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The Doctrine of the Devil

The Doctrine of the Devil

Dec 2012 - Jul 2019
Sermons in this series
Sun, Mar 24, 2013
3072 SN032413 Doctrine Of The Devil: The Pharisees (Rabbis Of The Babylonian Synagogue) Pervert The Word Of God In The Halakah (Moses Traditionary Law) And Hagadah- The Talmud
Sun, Mar 17, 2013
3069 SN031713 The Doctrine Of The Devil Is A “Confusion Of Tongues”
Sun, Mar 10, 2013
3066 SN031013 Doctrine Of The Devil: The Deception Of Eve- Twisting The Word Of God- Job's Friends Are Froward And Misapply God's Words, Judging Unrighteously
Sun, Mar 03, 2013
3063 SN030313 Doctrine Of The Devil: There Was No Truth In The World When Jesus Was Born- Jesus Starts His Ministry By Attacking The Pharisees Twisted Doctrine – The Halakah
Sun, Feb 24, 2013
3060 SN022413 Doctrine Of The Devil: Charismatics Twist The Word- “Say To This Mountain”- “Calling Things That Be Not”
Sun, Feb 17, 2013
3057 SN021713 Doctrine Of The Devil: The Whole World Is “Accepting Christ” – It Is The Wrong Jesus
Sun, Feb 10, 2013
3054 SN021013 The Doctrine Of The Devil Is Easy On The Flesh- Sinners Cannot Pray When They Are Dead In Sin (No Sinner’s Prayer)- Accept Christ Is The Same As Christmass (Roman Catholic)- Jesus Is Difficult, Satan Is An Easy Jesus
Sun, Feb 03, 2013
3051 SN020313 Doctrine Of The Devil: “Accept Christ” And “Sinner’s Prayer” Is The Most Corrupt Doctrine In The Church- Idolatry Is Alive And Well In America
Sun, Jan 27, 2013
3048 SN012713 Doctrine Of The Devil: Preachers In America Have Twisted The Truth Throughout The Bible – America Serves “Another Jesus”
Sun, Jan 20, 2013
3045 SN012013 Doctrine Of The Devil: Deceived (Seduced) By Real Nice People- When Something Looks Too Good To Be True – It Is!- Larry Jones And Other Not-So-Charitable Charities- America Is Being Seduced
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