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Messages with tag - Barbarian

Wed, Oct 12, 2022
Duration: 2 hrs 33 mins 18 secs
4203 WN101222 America Is Roman Catholic (Part 4)- Demons Were The Temptation Of The Tree In The Garden- Satan's Doctrine- The Mark- Addition To The Word Of God- Blood Baptism In The Garden- SFPB
Sun, Dec 24, 2017
Series: Christmas
Duration: 1 hr 36 mins 7 secs
3763 SM122417 Christmas Is Marrying Truth To A Lie (Part 2)
Sun, Aug 28, 2016
Duration: 1 hr 41 mins 10 secs
3579 SM082816 The Long Range Effect Of Evil Association (Mixing With A Lie)- Jehoshaphat And Ahab
Sun, Nov 26, 2000
Series: Christmas
Duration: 1 hr 43 mins 13 secs
1235 SM112600 Christmas Is The Sun Worship of Baal (aka Hercules)- His Birthday Was Dec. 25- Israel Worships Baal & The Grove (Hercules & Venus)- Solomon Perpetuated It, Ahab installed it, Elijah Brought It On Mt. Carmel- Jehovah Is The True God Of Fire
Sun, Oct 10, 1999
Duration: 1 hr 49 mins 16 secs
1070 SM101099 Good Tidings (Euaggelizo) Of Great Joy Which Shall Be To All People ( Luke 2:10) Is Not Christmas, But Rather It Is Preaching The Gospel (Daily Cross/Daily Resurrection) To The Gentile Elect- Christmas Is The Roman Catholic Festival Of The Mass
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