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Messages with tag - Crusades

Sun, Oct 09, 2022
Duration: 2 hrs 47 mins 8 secs
4202 SM100922 America Is Roman Catholic (Part 3)- Edict Of Toleration Started In The Garden- Marry Truth To A Lie- 2 Doctrines (Instructions)- Water Baptism Began With The Pharisees- Halakah
Sun, Aug 09, 2020
Duration: 2 hrs 10 mins 30 secs
4009 SM080920 Billy Graham: The Most Beloved, Popular False Teacher In America's History- He Has Blindsided The World With His “Nice” Guy Personality
Sun, Oct 29, 2017
Series: Christmas
Duration: 1 hr 40 mins 7 secs
3752 SM102917 Pagan Christmas Fights Truth- Among Other Facts, Charles Dickens Who Wrote “A Christmas Carol” Was A Racist- He Hated The Great Puritan Ebenezer Erskine- He Wanted To Annihilate All Minorities
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