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Messages with tag - covenant

Sun, Jan 03, 2021
Duration: 2 hrs 43 mins 50 secs
4050 SM010321 The Passover Has Been Twisted Into Christmas And Crackers And Grape Juice- The Shadow And The Very Image (Spiritual)- The Law Is Still In Effect- Blotting Out Ordinances (Rituals)
Wed, Nov 11, 2020
Series: Sabbath
Duration: 2 hrs 6 mins 30 secs
4036 WN111120 The Spiritual Sabbath (Rest)- Entering Into Rest By Ceasing The Works Of The Flesh (Sin)- Galatians 5:19
Wed, Oct 14, 2020
Duration: 2 hrs 22 mins 55 secs
4028 WN101420 Predestination Is The Most Comforting Doctrine In The Bible- When You Embrace It, You Are Comforted In God's “Spiritual Sabbath” Of Rest
Sun, Aug 11, 2019
Series: Prophecy
Duration: 1 hr 42 mins 28 secs
3914 SM081119 Covenant- The Sphinx- The Body Of A Lion, The Body Of An Ox, The Head Of A Man, The Head And Wings Of An Eagle- Ox, Eagle, Lion, Man- New Heavens (Heavenly Jerusalem, The Church) And New Earth (The Ruled)
Sun, Jul 28, 2019
Series: Revelation
Duration: 1 hr 38 mins 10 secs
3910 SM072819 The Covenant, 4 Beasts (Lion, Ox, Eagle, Man)- Cherubim- Genesis 1, Genesis 9, Revelation 7, Ezekiel 1- Ezekiel Equals Revelation
Sun, Jun 09, 2019
Series: Revelation
Duration: 1 hr 47 mins 34 secs
3900 SM060919 Revelation 4: The 24 Elders, Golden Crowns And Glassy Sea- 4 Cherubim (Eagle, Lion, Ox And Man) – What These All Mean- It Is From The Old Testament
Wed, Apr 03, 2019
Duration: 1 hr 37 mins 8 secs
3882 WN040319 Greek And English Parts Of Speech In The Bible- “To Be”- “To Exist”- Jehovah- Being Verbs- Action Verbs- Possessive Pronouns- “My Sheep”- “His People” Not Willing That Any Of “Us” Should Perish- Infinitives- The Beast (Neuter Gender)- The Babylonian Lion, Persian Bear, Grecian Leopard, Rome Beast With Iron Teeth- A Ruling System, Not A Man
Wed, Feb 13, 2019
Series: Tithe
Duration: 1 hr 36 mins 13 secs
3877 WN021319 Melchizedek And The Tithe
Wed, Jan 23, 2019
Series: Baptism
Duration: 1 hr 37 mins 42 secs
3869 WN012319 “Baptism” Review: Washed In The Blood Of Christ Means Death To Self- Two Handwritings – On Tables Of Stone And Fleshy Tables Of The Heart- One Is Blotted Out By A Nail
Sun, Dec 30, 2018
Duration: 1 hr 40 mins 14 secs
3861 SN123018 The Bible Is The Story Of One Family Through One Bloodline From Adam Through The 70th Week Of Daniel At The End Of Time
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