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Messages with tag - Infinitive

Wed, Dec 26, 2018
Series: Baptism
Duration: 1 hr 38 mins 45 secs
3860 WN122618 Baptism Is About Being Predestined To Obtain (Peripoiesis) Salvation
Wed, Nov 28, 2018
Series: Baptism
Duration: 1 hr 40 mins 21 secs
3850 WN112818 Baptize Is A Verbal Noun (Infinitive), Not A Verb Implying Motion- Go Into All The World Baptizing With Blood (From Our Mouths), Not With Water- Paul: Christ Sent Me Not To Baptize (Proselyte) With Water But To Preach The Gospel Which Is The “Narrow Way”, The Baptism Of Repentance
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