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Messages with tag - Inquisition

Wed, Oct 19, 2022
Duration: 2 hrs 29 mins 32 secs
4205 WN101922 The World Is Roman Catholic (Part 6)- Let Everyone Believe What They Want – Otherwise, We Will Torture And Kill You
Sun, Jan 02, 2022
Series: Christmas
Duration: 2 hrs 44 mins 20 secs
4126 SM010222 The Feast Of Saturn Is Still The Saturnalia Under Any Other Name, Like Christmas- The Puritans Outlawed Christmas (Part 2)- “Fatima”
Sun, Dec 09, 2018
Series: Christmas
Duration: 2 hrs 12 mins 38 secs
3854 SM120918 The Reason For The Season- The Swastika Is The Big Dipper In Its Four Phases- Crops In The Spring- Constantine Bringing The Christmas Lie Into The Church
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