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Messages with tag - sovereignty

Wed, Apr 26, 2017
Duration: 1 hr 35 mins 27 secs
3679 WN042617 Predestination: It's In The Bible – Believe It
Wed, Feb 22, 2017
Duration: 1 hr 38 mins 33 secs
3655 WN022217 Predestination: The Daily Cross, Persecution, Affliction And Tribulation Is The “Narrow Way” That Men Hate
Wed, Apr 06, 2016
Duration: 1 hr 38 mins 25 secs
3520 WN040616 Predestinated (Prohorizo) To Separate (Aphorizo) From The World
Wed, Jan 06, 2016
Series: Inheritance
Duration: 1 hr 37 mins 43 secs
3487 WN010616 The Lies In The Bible And The Liars (The Word Of God Is True)- How To Read The Bible
Sun, Oct 25, 2015
Duration: 1 hr 40 mins 11 secs
3458 SN102515 Statement Of Faith, Part 19: God Is Not “Wishing” We Will Conform To Christ's Likeness, He Has Predetermined It- The Vessels Of Wrath Are Born To Be Destroyed- The Part Of Predestination That Men Do Not Like
Sun, Oct 11, 2015
Duration: 1 hr 41 mins 9 secs
3452 SN101115 Statement Of Faith, Part 17: God Has Ordained Everything, Including Evil And Sin – All Events, Happenings And People And Their Actions
Sun, Aug 02, 2015
Duration: 1 hr 35 mins 10 secs
3422 SN080215 Statement Of Faith, Part 7: We Do Not Believe In Freewill- Everything That Happens Is The Will Of God Including Good And Evil- “The Wrath Of Man Shall Praise Thee”
Sun, Jul 12, 2015
Duration: 1 hr 38 mins 8 secs
3413 SN071215 Statement Of Faith, Part 4: We Believe Everything Is Of God- Spiritual Sabbath- Method Of Salvation Is Faith (Believe)- No Sinner's Prayer, No Accept Christ, No One-Time Walk Down The Aisle To Confess Christ
Sun, May 17, 2015
Duration: 1 hr 37 mins 49 secs
3389 SN051715 Predestination: The Will Of God Is Being Done
Sun, Dec 14, 2014
Duration: 1 hr 37 mins 6 secs
3331 SN121414 Predestination:  God Is Doing Everything - Accept It (And You Will Eventually)- No Fighting And Arguing
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