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Messages with tag - revenge

Sun, Aug 19, 2018
Duration: 2 hrs 2 mins 24 secs
3819 SM081918 Saul And David- The “Orge” (Rage Of Man's Covetousness)
Sun, Aug 12, 2018
Duration: 1 hr 39 mins 22 secs
3816 SM081218 Saul And David- “Orge” (Revenge) Is Saul's Problem- The 2nd Time Saul Is At David's Mercy
Sun, Jul 29, 2018
Duration: 1 hr 35 mins 31 secs
3811 SM072918 Old Testament Timeline With Characters And Events From Adam To Saul Seeking To Kill David- The Envy Of Saul
Sun, Jul 22, 2018
Duration: 1 hr 40 mins 41 secs
3808 SM072218 Envy Will Destroy Your Life- Saul Begins To Pursue David To Kill Him In I Samuel 19-31- Saul Murders 85 Priests Of God- David Seeks Refuge With Achish The Philistine King Of Gad- Everyone Is Familiar With The Song “Saul Has Slain His Thousands, And David His Ten Thousands”
Sun, Jul 01, 2018
Duration: 1 hr 35 mins 59 secs
3800 SM070118 You Are Where You Are Supposed To Be In Life- You Are Not Supposed To Stay There- Saul Was The Anointed Of God- His Envy Of David Did Not Advance His Position- It Ended With His Death
Sun, Dec 28, 2014
Duration: 1 hr 39 mins 49 secs
3336 SN122814 Predestination:  Like Jesus- Orge (Anger), Envy And Revenge- Rage Is Not Like Him- Believers Shouldn't Be Doing That
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