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Messages with tag - Baptize

Wed, Mar 08, 2017
Duration: 1 hr 38 mins 30 secs
3660 WN030817 Predestined To Self Denial, Persecution And A Daily Cross- “Why Do You Seek To Kill Me, A Man Who Told You The Truth”
Wed, Dec 28, 2016
Series: Baptism
Duration: 1 hr 35 mins 11 secs
3632 WN122816 The Gospel Is “The Way”- Baptism Of Repentance Is “The Way”- The Gentiles (Spirits In Prison) Coming From Darkness (Prison) To The Light- The One Baptism Is Spirit – No More Rituals
Wed, Dec 21, 2016
Series: Baptism
Duration: 1 hr 38 mins 27 secs
3629 WN122116 Baptisms Of The Bible- The Only One Left Is Blood- Blot Out- Nailed To Cross- Light From The Ancient East
Wed, Dec 14, 2016
Series: Baptism
Duration: 1 hr 41 mins 24 secs
3626 WN121416 The Only True Baptism Is Blood (Death To Self)- The Water Has Been Nailed To The Cross- We Are Sprinkled With Blood- The “Way” Into The Holiest
Sun, Sep 04, 2016
Duration: 1 hr 38 mins 28 secs
3583 SN090416 Statement Of Faith: We Believe The Church Is Spiritual Israel From The Foundation Of The World- Paul, Peter And James Call For The Ceasing Of Proselyte Water Washing And Circumcision
Sun, Jul 17, 2016
Duration: 1 hr 36 mins 51 secs
3562 SN071716 Statement Of Faith: What We Believe- Preachers Are Blinded By Traditions In The Church- Baptism, Tongues, Christmas And Other Traditions
Sun, Jun 19, 2016
Duration: 1 hr 47 mins 28 secs
3549 SM061916 Things We Believe- Predestination- Baptism
Sun, Mar 27, 2016
Duration: 1 hr 36 mins 59 secs
3516 SN032716 Statement Of Faith, Part 38: A Confusion Of Tongues- “Another Jesus” Is Satan – He Opposes The Real Jesus- Baptism, Confess Christ, Sinner's Prayer- Preachers Are Too Lazy To Study
Wed, Oct 14, 2015
Series: Inheritance
Duration: 1 hr 38 mins 6 secs
3453 WN101415 Inheritance: Lawful Portion- Steward- Law Dispenser- Eating Of The One Body (The Church)- Law- Prescribed Sheep Food- Blood Baptism
Wed, Sep 30, 2015
Series: Inheritance
Duration: 1 hr 37 mins 8 secs
3447 WN093015 Inheritance: Arise, And Be Baptized, And “Wash Away” Thy Sins- Giving Up Sin (The Outer Man) A Little At A Time- This Message Will Hurt You
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