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Messages with tag - Baptism

Sun, Apr 02, 2017
Series: Halakah
Duration: 1 hr 39 mins 41 secs
3670 SM040217 Halakah, Tongues, Baptism And Christmas Are All Tradition (Adding To The Word Of God)
Sun, Mar 05, 2017
Duration: 1 hr 37 mins 27 secs
3658 SM030517 Sign Of The End – Apostasy (All Of The False Doctrines In Churches In America, e.g., Water Baptism, Faith Healing, Tongues, Accept Christ, Sinner's Prayer, Slain In The Spirit, Free Will, Pretrib Rapture, Millennium)
Wed, Dec 28, 2016
Series: Baptism
Duration: 1 hr 35 mins 11 secs
3632 WN122816 The Gospel Is “The Way”- Baptism Of Repentance Is “The Way”- The Gentiles (Spirits In Prison) Coming From Darkness (Prison) To The Light- The One Baptism Is Spirit – No More Rituals
Wed, Dec 21, 2016
Series: Baptism
Duration: 1 hr 38 mins 27 secs
3629 WN122116 Baptisms Of The Bible- The Only One Left Is Blood- Blot Out- Nailed To Cross- Light From The Ancient East
Wed, Dec 14, 2016
Series: Baptism
Duration: 1 hr 41 mins 24 secs
3626 WN121416 The Only True Baptism Is Blood (Death To Self)- The Water Has Been Nailed To The Cross- We Are Sprinkled With Blood- The “Way” Into The Holiest
Sun, Sep 04, 2016
Duration: 1 hr 38 mins 28 secs
3583 SN090416 Statement Of Faith: We Believe The Church Is Spiritual Israel From The Foundation Of The World- Paul, Peter And James Call For The Ceasing Of Proselyte Water Washing And Circumcision
Sun, Jul 17, 2016
Duration: 1 hr 36 mins 51 secs
3562 SN071716 Statement Of Faith: What We Believe- Preachers Are Blinded By Traditions In The Church- Baptism, Tongues, Christmas And Other Traditions
Sun, Jun 19, 2016
Duration: 1 hr 47 mins 28 secs
3549 SM061916 Things We Believe- Predestination- Baptism
Sun, Mar 27, 2016
Duration: 1 hr 36 mins 59 secs
3516 SN032716 Statement Of Faith, Part 38: A Confusion Of Tongues- “Another Jesus” Is Satan – He Opposes The Real Jesus- Baptism, Confess Christ, Sinner's Prayer- Preachers Are Too Lazy To Study
Wed, Feb 17, 2016
Series: Inheritance
Duration: 1 hr 38 mins 45 secs
3503 WN021716 Inheritance: Why Predestination Should Be Taught – It Is A Comfort To Believers
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