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Messages with tag - blood baptism

Wed, Jul 15, 2015
Series: Inheritance
Duration: 1 hr 37 mins 51 secs
3414 WN071515 Baptism (Death To Self) Is Our Inheritance- To “Sink Into Clothing”- Washed In The Blood
Wed, Jul 08, 2015
Series: Inheritance
Duration: 1 hr 34 mins 50 secs
3411 WN070815 Drinking The Cup (Our Inheritance) Is Death To Self- Faith, Daily Cross, Ask, Prayer, Blood Baptism- To Be Baptized (Infinitive) “In”- All Ordinances Nailed To The Cross
Sun, Sep 09, 2001
Series: Baptism
Duration: 1 hr 37 mins 34 secs
Sun, Feb 27, 2000
Series: Atonement
Duration: 1 hr 53 mins 9 secs
1121 SM022700 Biblical Chemistry: Ye Are The Sodium Chloride (NaCl-SALT) Of The Earth (Matt 5:13)- Sodium "The One Unstable" Little Faith, (Foundation) Adds to Chlorine (Daemon- Unclean Breath) 7, (Refined Baptism) Producing 8 (Hearing) The Stable New Creation
Sun, Jan 30, 2000
Duration: 1 hr 39 mins 18 secs
1110 SN013000 Samuel- All That He Saith Cometh Surely To Pass (1 Samuel 9:6)- False Prophets Presume To Speak In The Name Of The Lord (Deut 18:20)- They Must Die If One Thing They Speak Does Not Come To Pass- They Thrust Out Of The Way (The Blood Baptism) (Deut 13:1-11)
Sun, Jan 09, 2000
Duration: 1 hr 50 mins 58 secs
1100 SM010900 One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism- The One Baptism Is Blood, Not Water- Martyrdom By Violent Death Was Called a Blood Baptism- Baptism Was Originally a Noun (Infinitive), Not a Verb- Peter Called For Proselyte Circumcision And Water Baptism to Cease
Sun, Nov 21, 1999
Duration: 1 hr 51 mins 17 secs
1080 SM112199 We Are Commanded To Be Bitter, Sorrowful, And Cynical (Believing Man Is Motivated By Selfishness Outside Of Christ) When Partaking Of The Spiritual Passover, The Lamb (Jesus), Bread (The Church), The Cup (Death To Self), Bitter Herbs (Sorrows & Affliction)
Wed, Sep 15, 1999
Series: Baptism
Duration: 1 hr 54 mins 59 secs
1060 WN091599 "SO" -- A Key Word In John 3:16 Puts A Limitation On How Or In What Fashion God "Loved" The Kosmos (World)- Those Not Scourged Are Not Loved- Predestination- Buried With Him In A Tomb, NOT Six Feet Under -- Immersion Is NOT Baptism
Wed, Jul 28, 1999
Duration: 1 hr 47 mins 46 secs
1040 WN072899 Predestination: Good Conscience By Blood Baptism (1 Peter 3:21)- Know (Ginosko), An Intimate Personal Relationship, A Gradual Continual Learning (Eido)- A Complete Total Recognizing Of Death To Self
Sun, Jun 20, 1999
Series: Baptism
Duration: 1 hr 57 mins 41 secs
1025 SM062099 The One Baptism (Eph 4:5) Is Blood, NOT H2O- The Contract (Testament) Is Drinking The Cup, It Is The Passover- The Betrothal Meal Of Christ And The Church Confirmed By Clothing- Our Robes Made White In The Blood Of Christ- The Shoe Of Boaz
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