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Messages with tag - Four Sore Judments

Sun, Mar 21, 2021
Duration: 3 hrs 5 mins 45 secs
4071 SM032121 The Reason For So Much Disease, Famine (Economy), Wars And Political Problems In The World Is A Lack Of Truth Coming From The Pulpits
Sun, Nov 01, 2020
Series: Prophecy
Duration: 2 hrs 20 mins 45 secs
4033 SM110120 Israel Celebrated Christmas Under Another Name (Fire And Tree Worship) 3,000 Years Ago- Constantine Simply Changed The Saturnalia Into Christmas- The System (Baal And Grove) That Brought Judgment On Israel Is The Same That Constantine Brought Into The Church- This Is Why The World Trade Center Came Down- This Is The Reason For Covid-19 And All Plagues
Sun, Oct 11, 2020
Series: Prophecy
Duration: 2 hrs 19 mins 50 secs
4027 SM101120 A Sign Of The End Of Time- The 70 Weeks Of Daniel- The Land Must Enjoy Her Sabbaths- Jerusalem Falling By The Sword Until…
Sun, Apr 05, 2020
Duration: 1 hr 35 mins 16 secs
3973 SM040520 The Preachers' False Doctrine Is The Reason For The Corona Virus- They Twist And Pervert The Word Of God- Covid-19 Is A Pestilence
Sun, Mar 29, 2020
Duration: 1 hr 53 mins 13 secs
3971 SM032920 Corona Virus Message, Part 2: The Four Judgments Of God- Jeremiah, The Last Major Prophet During Israel's Destruction- The Sword, Famine, Pestilence And The Beast
Sun, Mar 08, 2020
Duration: 1 hr 36 mins 51 secs
3966 SM030820 A Brief History Of Israel- Timeline From Adam To Jacob (Israel)- 4 Horsemen Of The Apocalypse (Rev 6) – Sword, Famine, Pestilence, Beast- No Answer To These Dark Sentences
Sun, Oct 30, 2016
Duration: 1 hr 34 mins 56 secs
3607 SN103016 The 4 Judgments- The 4 Horsemen Of The Apokalupsis- 7 Stars In The Right Hand Is The Little Book- Written On Fleshy Tables Of The Heart- Hebrews 9:8, The Key To Understanding Hebrews
Sun, Jan 31, 2016
Duration: 1 hr 38 mins 12 secs
3497 SN013116 Statement Of Faith, Part 32: Word Definition Will Explain The Bible- The Four Horseman Of The Apocalypse, The 144,000, The 24 Elders- Answers Are In The Old Testament
Sun, Jan 24, 2016
Series: Prophecy
Duration: 1 hr 40 mins 20 secs
3494 SM012416 Prophecy: Locusts, Scorpions (False Teachers), Wolves, Bottomless Pit (Know Nothing), Sword, Famine, Pestilence, No Rain, Too Much Rain, Smoke (Pride/Conceit)- Israel Offers Children To Moloch And Eats Them
Sun, Nov 01, 2015
Series: Prophecy
Duration: 1 hr 40 mins 39 secs
3460 SM110115 Prophecy: The Branch (Jesus) Of Isaiah 11- The Wolf, Lamb, Serpent, Lion, Bear, Leopard- The Same As The Dry Bones Of Ezekiel 37- The End Of Time
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