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Messages with tag - Martyr

Sun, Oct 16, 2022
Series: Picnic
Duration: 3 hrs 27 mins 23 secs
4204 SM101622 America Is Roman Catholic (Part 5)- Tolerance Is Adding To The Word Of God
Sun, Jan 02, 2022
Series: Christmas
Duration: 2 hrs 44 mins 20 secs
4126 SM010222 The Feast Of Saturn Is Still The Saturnalia Under Any Other Name, Like Christmas- The Puritans Outlawed Christmas (Part 2)- “Fatima”
Sun, Jan 31, 2021
Series: Covenant
Duration: 2 hrs 28 mins 55 secs
4058 SM013121 Covenant (Diatheke) Is A Promise (Epaggelia) About Dying (The Church)- Partake Of A Covenant You Eat (Partake) Of The One Body (The Church) By Drinking The Cup (Taste Death)
Sun, Jan 19, 2020
Series: Christmas
Duration: 1 hr 39 mins 4 secs
3953 SM011920 God's Revenge- The Mass- A Scientist Looks At Santa Claus- Strychnine In The Wafer- Jezebel Signs Her Own Death Warrant- Elijah Runs From Jezebel- Gives Up- Tired Of Living- Elijah Tells Ahab You Will Die- The Dogs Will Lick Your Blood- The Dogs Will Eat Jezebel
Wed, Oct 23, 2019
Duration: 1 hr 37 mins 1 sec
3931 WN102319 Predestination: Spirits In Prison (Part 2)- Gentiles- Nations- Prison (Light And Dark)- Olive Trees- Blood Baptism- Christmas- Scattering And Binding Israel- Pro'orizo- Gentiles To The Light, Etc.
Wed, Aug 14, 2019
Duration: 1 hr 37 mins 46 secs
3915 WN081419 How To Witness- Jim's Personal Testimonies- From The Beginning- Since The World Began- From The Foundation Of The World- Verses And Greek Words
Wed, Apr 24, 2019
Series: Baptism
Duration: 1 hr 33 mins 31 secs
3888 WN042419 Baptism, Reconciliation And Regeneration Are All The Same- A Washing With Blood- God Kept Us Safe Till Faith Came In Our Lives
Sun, Apr 14, 2019
Series: Passover
Duration: 1 hr 42 mins 10 secs
3885 SM041419 Last Will And “Testament” (Diatheke)- An Example (Hupolimpano – To “Bequeath”) After Dying- To “Drink The Cup” (Taste Death Daily)- Spiritual Passover
Sun, Jun 10, 2018
Series: Perfect
Duration: 1 hr 39 mins 21 secs
3791 SM061018 “Envy” Killed Jesus And Paul- It Eventually Killed King Saul
Sun, Jan 21, 2018
Duration: 1 hr 39 mins 33 secs
3767 SM012118 In Order To Be A Christian You Must Be Hated- If The World Likes You, You Are God's Enemy- To Witness Means To Die- A Cry Of Damnation To All Who Are “Popular” In The World
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