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Sun, Oct 22, 2017
Series: 70 Weeks
Duration: 1 hr 40 mins 22 secs
3750 SN102217 The 70 Weeks: The 1st 2 Decrees (Ezra 1 And Ezra 6)- Tatnai- God's Enemy- Daniel And Lion's Den- The Law Of Medes And Persians Alters Not
Sun, Oct 22, 2017
Series: Christmas
Duration: 1 hr 44 mins 10 secs
3749 SM102217 Christmas And The Big Dipper
Wed, Oct 18, 2017
Duration: 1 hr 36 mins 53 secs
3748 WN101817 Hard-Hitting Verses- Peter's Ups And Downs (A Study Of The Life Of Peter)
Sun, Oct 15, 2017
Duration: 1 hr 53 mins 39 secs
3747 SN101517 How To Study Word Definitions- Doubt/Stagger- Diakrino- Calling Things That Be, “Positive Confession”, Faith Healing And The Rest Of Pentecostal/Charismatic Doctrines Are Hell's Gospel Corrupting All The World
Sun, Oct 15, 2017
Duration: 2 hrs 25 mins 59 secs
3746 SM101517 What We Believe And What We Do Not Believe- We Do Not Believe In Christmas, Pentecostal Tongues Or Any Of The Charismatic Doctrines
Wed, Oct 11, 2017
Series: Doing Truth
Duration: 1 hr 36 mins 14 secs
3745 WN101117 Obey, Do, Eat, Law, Truth, Faith Are All Obeying God- 3 Definitions For Sin- No Obedience, No Salvation- Saved By A Working Faith
Sun, Oct 08, 2017
Series: Revelation
Duration: 1 hr 37 mins 45 secs
3744 SN100817 Revelation And The 70 Weeks- Genesis 1 Is Not What Preachers Say- It Did Not Rain For 1,656 Years From Adam To Noah- Daniel 9- 6 Things Must Come About To Fulfill The 70th Week
Sun, Oct 08, 2017
Series: Christmas
Duration: 1 hr 36 mins 17 secs
3743 SM100817 The Swastika Is The Reason For The Season
Wed, Oct 04, 2017
Series: Doing Truth
Duration: 1 hr 49 mins 20 secs
3742 WN100417 What You Eat Is What You Do- Doing Is Confessing (Titus 1:16)- When You Eat (Do) Unlawful (Iniquity) You Cause Your Brothers To Stumble (Pagis, Skandalon, Proskomma)
Sun, Oct 01, 2017
Series: Revelation
Duration: 1 hr 36 mins
3741 SN100117 70 Weeks Of Daniel: Jeremiah, Daniel And Ezekiel- 4 Decrees- 70th Week At The End Of Time
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