Messages with tag - Predestination

Wed, Feb 10, 2021
Series: Faith
Duration: 2 hrs 21 mins 10 secs
4061 WN021021 Faith: What It Is And What It Is Not- Faith Increases The Sabbath In Our Lives
Sun, Feb 07, 2021
Series: Covenant
Duration: 2 hrs 32 mins 40 secs
4060 SM020721 Covenant/Testament- Predestination- Separation- Choose (Chosen)- Drink Cup- Baptism- Obedience- Synonyms (Words With Like Meanings)
Wed, Feb 03, 2021
Series: Faith
Duration: 3 hrs 3 mins 35 secs
4059 WN020321 Faith (Pistis)- Believe (Pisteuo)- Little Faith (Oligos Pistis)- Add To Your Faith- Faith Must Grow- Spiritual Sabbath Series
Sun, Jan 31, 2021
Series: Covenant
Duration: 2 hrs 28 mins 55 secs
4058 SM013121 Covenant (Diatheke) Is A Promise (Epaggelia) About Dying (The Church)- Partake Of A Covenant You Eat (Partake) Of The One Body (The Church) By Drinking The Cup (Taste Death)
Wed, Jan 27, 2021
Series: Sabbath
Duration: 2 hrs 8 mins 30 secs
4057 WN012721 Predestined To Rest (Sabbath) In Christ- To Cease Our Sin (Work) To Stop “Contention And Strife”- Slowly Killing Off The Outer Man- God's Tribulation And Fire In Time Will Accomplish This
Sun, Jan 24, 2021
Series: Covenant
Duration: 2 hrs 17 mins 40 secs
4056 SM012421 Last Will And Testament/Covenant (Diatheke)- Inheritance, Adoption, Blood Baptism, Drinking Of A Cup, Daily Cross, Death To Self (The Outer Man)- Leaving Us An Example, Like Jesus
Wed, Jan 20, 2021
Series: Sabbath
Duration: 2 hrs 20 mins 45 secs
4055 WN012021 Sabbath/Inner And Outer Man Series- Living Deliciously (In A Strain) Is In Opposition To Rest And Believing God In Everything- Predestination Is In The Image (Likeness) Of Jesus Crucifying The Outer Man
Sun, Jan 17, 2021
Series: Covenant
Duration: 2 hrs 23 mins 20 secs
4054 SM011721 Covenant And Testament Are The Same Greek Word- The Same Definition Has Agape (Love)- A Law For A Command To Obedience (No Choice)- God Does Not Say “It Is My Way Or The Highway”- He Says “It Is My Way, There Is No Highway”- No Pretrib, No Millennium, Last Trump- Time Is No More
Wed, Jan 13, 2021
Series: Passover
Duration: 2 hrs 31 mins
4053 WN011321 “Put On” – Imperative Mood (A Command)- Enduo (Sink Into Clothing)- Washed Us In His Own Blood- Sin Versus Righteousness- Inner Man/Outer Man (Sabbath Series)
Sun, Jan 10, 2021
Series: Christmas
Duration: 2 hrs 32 mins 25 secs
4052 SM011021 Jewish Idioms And Metaphors- “Eat Flesh And Drink Blood”- Everything Preachers Are Preaching Is False Doctrine
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