Messages with tag - Predestination

Sun, Jan 12, 2020
Series: Christmas
Duration: 1 hr 36 mins 42 secs
3951 SM011220 Swastika- The Big Dipper- ChristMass- Israel Eats Their Children- Their Penalty For Celebrating Christmas 3,000 Years Ago- They Became Cannibals
Wed, Jan 08, 2020
Duration: 1 hr 45 mins 57 secs
3950 WN010820 Charismatics- Two Jesus In The Bible- American Preachers Serve The “Other” Jesus Who Is Satan Disguised As The True Jesus
Sun, Jan 05, 2020
Series: Christmas
Duration: 1 hr 39 mins 59 secs
3949 SM010520 Christmas: Jezebel, The Most Evil Woman In The Bible, Brings This Into Israel 3,000 Years Ago Under Another Name (Baal And Grove Worship)- The Daughter From Hell, Athaliah, Takes It Into Southern Israel (Judah)- God Commissions Jehu To Kill The Sons Of Ahab- It All Happened Because Of Evil Communications
Wed, Jan 01, 2020
Duration: 1 hr 37 mins 23 secs
3948 WN010120 Predestination: Every Event, Both Good And Evil, Is The Will Of God- God Arranged The Timing Of Everything That Has And Will Happen- “God Loveth A Cheerful Giver” Is About Money For The Poor- The Tithe Has Been Transferred To The Preacher Of The Gospel
Sun, Dec 29, 2019
Series: Christmas
Duration: 1 hr 44 mins 31 secs
3947 SM122919 “Merry Christmas” Translates As “Foolish No-Thinking Cannibalism (Eating Human Flesh)”- Christmas Entered Israel By Ahab's Evil Association With Jezebel (The Most Evil Person In The Bible) Bringing In Baal And Grove Worship (Ancient Name For Christmas)
Sun, Dec 22, 2019
Series: Christmas
Duration: 1 hr 38 mins 30 secs
3946 SM122219 Christmas Is The Most Evil Sin In The Bible Or In The History Of The World- It Is Israel Going After Other gods
Sun, Dec 15, 2019
Series: Christmas
Duration: 1 hr 43 mins 23 secs
3945 SM121519 The 70 Weeks Of Daniel Is The “Cure For Christmas”
Wed, Dec 11, 2019
Duration: 1 hr 37 mins 24 secs
3944 WN121119 Predestination: Man's Evil Heart- Prohorizo- Boundary Of Light (Horizon)- Forgiveness- Pardon And Release From Prison- How It Comes About- Jesus Calls Down Pharisees For Their Verbal Law (Halakah)- American Preachers Are Preaching Halakah (Perversion)
Sun, Dec 08, 2019
Series: Christmas
Duration: 1 hr 37 mins 21 secs
3943 SM120819 ChristMass- Priests Of Baal Wore Tall White Pointed Hats And White Sheets And Carried A Flaming Cross Like The KKK- Israel Celebrates Christmas Under Another Name – Baal (Sun) And Grove (Tree) Worship- Israel Scattered For 2600 Years Till May 14, 1948 And Six-Day War Of 1967
Wed, Dec 04, 2019
Duration: 1 hr 35 mins 27 secs
3942 WN120419 God Does Not “Quid Pro Quo” (Give Something For Something) Because He Owns All Things- You Cannot Counsel (Advise) God- He Has Declared All Things- The Hundredfold Blessing And Word Of Faith – What They Really Mean (Not Charismatic Teaching)- (Part 2)
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