Messages with tag - Predestination

Sun, Jun 05, 2022
Duration: 2 hrs 56 mins 35 secs
4166 SM060522 If We Are Not Spiritual Israel, Why Did God Use Spiritual Passover, Pentecost And Day Of Atonement To Birth The Gentile Church
Wed, Jun 01, 2022
Duration: 3 hrs 1 mins 38 secs
4165 WN060122 If The Church Is Not Spiritual Israel, Why Did God Use A Spiritual Jewish Passover Lamb (Jesus) To Die For His Church- Why A Spiritual Jewish Pentecost To Birth His Church (Wife)- A Spiritual Jewish Day Of Atonement To Baptize His Bride (Church)
Sun, May 29, 2022
Duration: 3 hrs 5 mins 9 secs
4164 SM052922 If We Are Not Spiritual Israel, Why Are We Keeping The Spiritual Passover, Pentecost And Day Of Atonement- Idioms, Metaphors, Figures Of Speech, Etc. (Part 3)
Sun, May 22, 2022
Duration: 1 hr 40 mins 51 secs
4163 SM052222 God Circumcises Our Hearts Over Time In Cutting Off Of Sin Of The Outer Man (Spiritual Israel Series)
Wed, May 18, 2022
Duration: 2 hrs 20 mins 50 secs
4162 WN051822 If We Are Not Spiritual Israel, Why Are We Involved In Spiritual Circumcision, Spiritual Passover, Spiritual Day Of Atonement, The Cutting Off Of The Outer Man
Sun, May 15, 2022
Duration: 3 hrs 7 mins
4161 SM051522 The Two Natures Of The Child Of God- Romans 6, 7, 8
Wed, May 11, 2022
Series: The Gospel
Duration: 2 hrs 17 mins 30 secs
4160 WN051122 The Gospel Equals The Strait Gate And The Narrow Way- How Do You Obey The Gospel? (Part 2)
Sun, May 08, 2022
Series: The Gospel
Duration: 2 hrs 39 mins 46 secs
4159 SM050822 How Do You Obey The Gospel?- Jesus Is Coming Back In Flaming Fire Taking Vengeance On Those That Know Not God, And That Obey Not The Gospel (2 Thes 1:8)
Wed, May 04, 2022
Series: The Gospel
Duration: 2 hrs 19 mins 58 secs
4158 WN050422 Take Your Cross And Die Daily (Faith Definition) Or You Are Not Going To Heaven When You Die- Death To Self
Sun, May 01, 2022
Series: The Gospel
Duration: 2 hrs 53 mins 51 secs
4157 SM050122 The Strait Gate, The Narrow Way- Blood Baptism, Drink The Cup, Daily Cross, Self Denial, The Gospel, Faith, Confessing Christ Is Death To Self – These All Mean The Same Thing
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