Messages with tag - Predestination

Wed, Feb 02, 2022
Duration: 2 hrs 24 mins 30 secs
4134 WN020222 Evil That God Brings On David's Family For His Sin Of Adultery (Bathsheba) And Murder (Uriah)- God Creates Evil (Part 5)
Wed, Jan 19, 2022
Duration: 2 hrs 33 mins 8 secs
4130 WN011922 Christmas Under Its Ancient Name Is The Reason That God Created Evil Against Israel (Part 1)
Wed, Jan 12, 2022
Series: Christmas
Duration: 2 hrs 23 mins 20 secs
4129 WN011222 The Christmas Lie Is Flattery- No Daily Cross, No Self Denial, No Persecution, No Tribulation
Sun, Jan 09, 2022
Series: Christmas
Duration: 2 hrs 27 mins 49 secs
4128 SM010922 What's So Bad About Christmas?- Jim's 2nd Paper On Christmas- The Two Chapters Men Use To Justify Celebrating Christmas – Romans 14 And Colossians 2
Wed, Jan 05, 2022
Series: Christmas
Duration: 2 hrs 30 mins 9 secs
4127 WN010522 Christmas: Evil Communications Corrupt Good Morals
Sun, Jan 02, 2022
Series: Christmas
Duration: 2 hrs 44 mins 20 secs
4126 SM010222 The Feast Of Saturn Is Still The Saturnalia Under Any Other Name, Like Christmas- The Puritans Outlawed Christmas (Part 2)- “Fatima”
Wed, Dec 29, 2021
Series: Christmas
Duration: 2 hrs 18 mins 11 secs
4125 WN122921 Why The Puritans Outlawed Christmas And Easter 300 Years Ago In America- St. Nicholas Is A Dead Roman Catholic Bishop Of The 4th Century
Sun, Dec 26, 2021
Series: Christmas
Duration: 2 hrs 56 mins 20 secs
4124 SM122621 Major Points About Christmas – What It Is And What It Is Not
Sun, Dec 19, 2021
Series: Christmas
Duration: 2 hrs 44 mins 15 secs
4123 SM121921 Christmas Is Witchcraft- Good Words And Fair Speeches- Flattery
Wed, Dec 15, 2021
Series: Christmas
Duration: 2 hrs 29 mins 39 secs
4122 WN121521 Christmas And The End Of Time: All These Are Related – Israel's Apostasy, Scattering By The Beast, Tongues, 70 Weeks Of Daniel, Christmas, Easter, 2,600 Years Of Captivity, Prophecy, Apostasy (Positive Confession, Faith Healing, Tongues, Accept Christ, Sinner's Prayer)
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