Messages with tag - Predestination

Sun, Mar 19, 2000
Duration: 1 hr 45 mins 16 secs
1130 SM031900 "Believe In The Name"- Obeying The Name Of God, Which Is His Word (Rev 19:13), Which Is The Holy Spirit, Which Is His Authority, Which Is His Character, Which Is Abraham Isaac And Jacob, Which is Obedience, Which Is Faith
Sun, Mar 05, 2000
Duration: 1 hr 45 mins 56 secs
1125 SN030500 The Changing Of The Guard In Israel's Government Of Judges From A Government Of Judges (God's Form Of Government) To Being Ruled By A Man (Earthly King)- Saul Is Introduced As Their New King (1 Samuel 12)- Samuel Steps Down As God's Voice
Sun, Feb 27, 2000
Series: Atonement
Duration: 1 hr 53 mins 9 secs
1121 SM022700 Biblical Chemistry: Ye Are The Sodium Chloride (NaCl-SALT) Of The Earth (Matt 5:13)- Sodium "The One Unstable" Little Faith, (Foundation) Adds to Chlorine (Daemon- Unclean Breath) 7, (Refined Baptism) Producing 8 (Hearing) The Stable New Creation
Wed, Feb 23, 2000
Duration: 1 hr 48 mins 7 secs
1120 WN022300 Predestination: Believing (Verb) God For Something Is Not Faith (Noun) – That Is Wishing- Faith Believes God In Everything And That He Has Arranged All Things After His Council And Will, Good and Bad- He Creates Evil And It Is For Our Good
Sun, Feb 20, 2000
Series: Atonement
Duration: 1 hr 52 mins 44 secs
1118 SM022000 Spiritual Biology: The Righteousness Of The Saints- Robes Made White In The Blood Of Christ- White Blood Cells From Red Bone Marrow- Spiritual DNA And Hemoglobin-Scorpions (False Teachers) Destroy The Red Blood Cells (Blood Baptism)
Sun, Feb 13, 2000
Series: Baptism
Duration: 1 hr 50 mins 15 secs
1115 SM021300 Baptism- Holy Spirit (Clean Breath) And Unclean Spirit (Unclean Breath)- Believers Who Seek To Fulfill The Flesh Are Double Minded (Two Spirited) Men- Those In The Fire For Years Seek To Be One Spirit, Crucifying The Unclean Spirit,The Demon Of SELF
Sun, Jan 30, 2000
Duration: 1 hr 39 mins 18 secs
1110 SN013000 Samuel- All That He Saith Cometh Surely To Pass (1 Samuel 9:6)- False Prophets Presume To Speak In The Name Of The Lord (Deut 18:20)- They Must Die If One Thing They Speak Does Not Come To Pass- They Thrust Out Of The Way (The Blood Baptism) (Deut 13:1-11)
Wed, Jan 19, 2000
Duration: 1 hr 44 mins 54 secs
1105 WN011900 Predestination: Ask (Aiteo), Prayer (Proseuchomai), And Supplication (Deesis)- The Will Of God, By His Purpose And Determination (Will)- Are We Begotten (James 1:18, John 1:13)- "TO BE" (Existence) Comes From God
Sun, Jan 09, 2000
Duration: 1 hr 50 mins 58 secs
1100 SM010900 One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism- The One Baptism Is Blood, Not Water- Martyrdom By Violent Death Was Called a Blood Baptism- Baptism Was Originally a Noun (Infinitive), Not a Verb- Peter Called For Proselyte Circumcision And Water Baptism to Cease
Sun, Dec 26, 1999
Series: Prophecy
Duration: 1 hr 48 mins 59 secs
1095 SN122699 The Sceptre Will Not Depart From Judah- The Seed Of David Is Preserved- The Will Of God Is Done When Tamar Deceives Judah Playing The Harlot When Leah And Rachel Have A Baby Producing Contest In Birthing The The 12 Sons Of Israel (Jacob)
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