Messages with tag - Predestination

Wed, Dec 15, 1999
Duration: 1 hr 39 mins 56 secs
1090 WN121599 Predestination: Quench (Extinguish) Not The Spirit (The Truth - Daily Cross)- Prove (Dokimazo-Test) All Things- Abstain (Withdraw) From All Who Preach No Daily Cross And Extinguish The Daily Fire Causing The Sheep To Apostatize (Fall Away) By A Bad Example
Sun, Dec 05, 1999
Series: Christmas
Duration: 1 hr 40 mins 17 secs
1085 SM120599 The ChristMass Jesus is Another Jesus, He Is The Devil Disguised As Jesus- The Truth Of The ChristMass Is Another Truth, It Is Not The Word Of God- The Gospel Of ChristMass Is Another Gospel, It Never Resurrects This Roman Catholic Jesus
Sun, Nov 21, 1999
Duration: 1 hr 51 mins 17 secs
1080 SM112199 We Are Commanded To Be Bitter, Sorrowful, And Cynical (Believing Man Is Motivated By Selfishness Outside Of Christ) When Partaking Of The Spiritual Passover, The Lamb (Jesus), Bread (The Church), The Cup (Death To Self), Bitter Herbs (Sorrows & Affliction)
Sun, Oct 24, 1999
Series: Prophecy
Duration: 1 hr 47 mins 17 secs
1075 SN102499 Synonymous Views Of Prophecy (Matt. 24, Mark 13, Luke 21)- Harmony Of The Gospel- Preaching The Gospel To All Nations In Acts 2 (Mark 13:10)- The Final Fall Of Samaria (Northern Israel) 2 Kings 18, 19
Sun, Oct 10, 1999
Duration: 1 hr 49 mins 16 secs
1070 SM101099 Good Tidings (Euaggelizo) Of Great Joy Which Shall Be To All People ( Luke 2:10) Is Not Christmas, But Rather It Is Preaching The Gospel (Daily Cross/Daily Resurrection) To The Gentile Elect- Christmas Is The Roman Catholic Festival Of The Mass
Sun, Sep 26, 1999
Series: Prophecy
Duration: 1 hr 53 mins 18 secs
1065 SN092699 Zephaniah's Prophecies Of God's Judgment Against Judah (Southern Israel) And Jerusalem (Zep 1:1-18) Fulfilled in 2 Chron 36:16-21, 2 Kings 24- The Jews Shall Fall By The Edge Of The Sword And Be Lead Away Captivity Into All Nations Lk 21:24 etal
Wed, Sep 15, 1999
Series: Baptism
Duration: 1 hr 54 mins 59 secs
1060 WN091599 "SO" -- A Key Word In John 3:16 Puts A Limitation On How Or In What Fashion God "Loved" The Kosmos (World)- Those Not Scourged Are Not Loved- Predestination- Buried With Him In A Tomb, NOT Six Feet Under -- Immersion Is NOT Baptism
Wed, Sep 01, 1999
Duration: 1 hr 50 mins 33 secs
1055 WN090199 Predestination: Fitly Framed To Conform By Fellowship (Sun)- Articulating (Harmos) The Systematic Discourse (Lego)- Reading Distinctly (Parsing- Separating Parts Of A Sentence) Giving The Sense (Understanding)- Conforming To The Example of Christ
Sun, Aug 29, 1999
Duration: 1 hr 53 mins 51 secs
1053 SM082999 The American Lie: Democracy And The Pledge Of Allegiance- We Are A Republic, Not A "Democracy"- We Are A Republic Ruled By Those "Entitled" To Vote- The Pledge, One Man's Scheme To Impose Masonic Morality On America
Sun, Aug 22, 1999
Duration: 1 hr 52 mins 40 secs
1050 SM082299 America Is Being Lied To By Preachers, Politicians, And Historians- Thomas Jefferson Was A Deist/Unitarian, Not A Christian- He Was A Womanizer- He Rewrote The Bible- The Pledge of Allegiance Was A Marketing Scheme To Sell Flags By Two Editors in 1892
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