Messages with tag - Predestination

Sun, Aug 08, 1999
Series: Prophecy
Duration: 1 hr 55 mins 6 secs
1045 SN080899 The Man Of Sin, The High Priest Of The Fire Worship Called X-Mass Will Be Revealed (Exposed)- The Last Trump Sounds (I Cor 15:51,52)- Jesus Returns With A Shout (Keleuo/War Cry)- The Stewardship (Oikonomia/Dispensation) Of God Will Be Finished
Wed, Jul 28, 1999
Duration: 1 hr 47 mins 46 secs
1040 WN072899 Predestination: Good Conscience By Blood Baptism (1 Peter 3:21)- Know (Ginosko), An Intimate Personal Relationship, A Gradual Continual Learning (Eido)- A Complete Total Recognizing Of Death To Self
Sun, Jul 25, 1999
Series: Gematria
Duration: 1 hr 45 mins 52 secs
1039 SM072599 7,000 That Have Not Bowed The Knee To Baal- The Sons Of God From Adam To Israel (Jacob), God's Righteous Lineage, Two Sets of 11 Generations (11 With 2- The Authority Of God)- The Sons of God Are Obedient Believers, Not Fallen Angels
Sun, Jul 18, 1999
Series: Genesis
Duration: 1 hr 50 mins 35 secs
1035 SM071899 The Fish Created On The 5th Day- 7 Disciples Catch 153 Fish, Which Is The Joint Heirs, Or 1071 (The N Or Nun In The Womb Of The M, Or Mem/Mom)- Gentiles Of The Spiritual Jubilee (50th Year)- 7 Sets Of 7 Years, Pentecost (50th Day)- 7 Sets Of 7 Weeks
Wed, Jun 30, 1999
Duration: 2 hrs 0 mins 27 secs
1030 WN063099 False Teachers Do Not Believe In Predestination- They Are Ravening Wolves Destroying The Flock- Should We Be Angry At Them For Devouring Innocent Harmless Sheep And Baby Lambs?
Sun, Jun 20, 1999
Series: Baptism
Duration: 1 hr 57 mins 41 secs
1025 SM062099 The One Baptism (Eph 4:5) Is Blood, NOT H2O- The Contract (Testament) Is Drinking The Cup, It Is The Passover- The Betrothal Meal Of Christ And The Church Confirmed By Clothing- Our Robes Made White In The Blood Of Christ- The Shoe Of Boaz
Sun, Jun 06, 1999
Series: Revelation
Duration: 1 hr 55 mins 29 secs
1020 SN060699 Israel Is The 10 Horns Of The Beast And The Everlasting Kingdom That Destroys Babylon (The Harlot), The Beast (Daniel 2:44, Revelation 17:12-13), By Giving Their Power (Resurrection) And Strength (Being/Existence) To The Beast in Deuteronomy 28
Sun, May 23, 1999
Series: Melchizedek
Duration: 1 hr 54 mins 51 secs
1015 SN052399 Melchizedek (Priest And King) In The Garden Of Eden Teaches Adam to Offer Blood Sacrifice- The Opposing Office, The Man of Sin, Pontifex Maximus (False Priest & King) Is Revealed (Exposed) And Destroyed By The Brightness Of His Coming
Sun, May 16, 1999
Series: Hair
Duration: 1 hr 50 mins 29 secs
1010 SM051699 The Nazarite Vine (Undressed) Is To Visit (Oversee) And Feed The Stranger, The Widow And The Orphan In Their Affliction (The 7th Or Sabbatical Year)
Sun, May 02, 1999
Series: Hair
Duration: 1 hr 56 mins 22 secs
1007 SM050299 The Spiritual Nazarite (1 Cor. 8-11) Must Separate from the Whited Sepulchres (Pharisees) Or They Lose Their Crowns (Candlestick/Chandelier)
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