Messages with tag - Predestination

Sun, Apr 10, 2016
Duration: 1 hr 45 mins 59 secs
3522 SN041016 Statement Of Faith, Part 40: Confusion Of Tongues, Part 6: Preachers In America Preach A “Froward” Gospel- Twisted, Distorted, Perverted Words- No Definition
Sun, Apr 10, 2016
Series: Demons
Duration: 1 hr 44 mins 7 secs
3521 SM041016 Cast Out Demons- The Mystery Religions- Demons Were god-men Ancestors- There Is No Such Thing As “Demons”- Writing On Fleshy Tables Of The Heart Casts Them Out, Then The Kingdom Comes In Us
Wed, Apr 06, 2016
Duration: 1 hr 38 mins 25 secs
3520 WN040616 Predestinated (Prohorizo) To Separate (Aphorizo) From The World
Sun, Apr 03, 2016
Duration: 1 hr 38 mins 46 secs
3519 SN040316 Statement Of Faith, Part 39: Confusion Of Tongues- There Is No Such Thing As “Pentecostal” Tongues- The Historical And Grammatical Documentation Of Tongues- The Whole Story And What They Mean- Scattering Israel And The 3 Festivals (Pilgrimages)
Sun, Apr 03, 2016
Series: Prophecy
Duration: 1 hr 42 mins 21 secs
3518 SM040316 Prophecy: There Is No Such Thing As “Demons”- Daimonion- Distribute Fortunes- Diabolos- Lead Astray- False Accuser- Demons Are “Self”- Man Of The Gadarenes- gods In The Ancient World
Wed, Mar 30, 2016
Duration: 1 hr 38 mins 1 sec
3517 WN033016 Predestination: God Would Have “All Men” Be Saved (Part 4)- The Gentile Church- “The Mystery”- From Darkness To Light- Resurrection, The Gospel
Sun, Mar 27, 2016
Duration: 1 hr 36 mins 59 secs
3516 SN032716 Statement Of Faith, Part 38: A Confusion Of Tongues- “Another Jesus” Is Satan – He Opposes The Real Jesus- Baptism, Confess Christ, Sinner's Prayer- Preachers Are Too Lazy To Study
Sun, Mar 27, 2016
Series: Easter
Duration: 1 hr 38 mins 49 secs
3515 SM032716 Easter, Christmas, Halloween, Mardi Gras – They Are Sun And Tree Worship, In Different Cultures- They Are Paganism- They Are The Same
Wed, Mar 23, 2016
Series: Inheritance
Duration: 1 hr 42 mins 37 secs
3514 WN032316 Inheritance: Predestination- God's Holy Heresy (Horizo- Boundary)- Holy Heretic- “To Choose For Oneself” Is What It Meant 2,000 Years Ago
Sun, Mar 20, 2016
Series: Prophecy
Duration: 1 hr 35 mins 58 secs
3513 SM032016 Prophecy: The Bible Is An Equation- “Casting Out Devils” By The Spirit, The Word- By The Finger Of God Written On Fleshy Tables Of The Heart- Demons Are Not Fallen Angels (Demons Series)
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