Messages with tag - Predestination

Sun, Dec 20, 2015
Duration: 1 hr 40 mins 22 secs
3481 SN122015 Statement Of Faith, Part 27: Defining Words Is Everything Confessing Is Doing- Without Definition There Is A Confusion Of Tongues (Languages)
Sun, Dec 20, 2015
Series: Christmas
Duration: 1 hr 45 mins 43 secs
3480 SM122015 Christmas Is The Reason The World Trade Center Came Down, Why Hitler Killed 6 Million Jews And The Reason For The Collapsing- Economy And Terrorism- America Was Founded By The Roman Catholic Christopher Columbus On The Racist “Doctrine Of Discovery”
Wed, Dec 16, 2015
Series: Inheritance
Duration: 1 hr 38 mins 32 secs
3479 WN121615 Inheritance: T-U-L-I-P- Unconditional Election- “Chosen”
Sun, Dec 13, 2015
Duration: 1 hr 37 mins 53 secs
3478 SN121315 Statement Of Faith, Part 26: Review Of Tongues- Pentecostalism Is An Evil False Doctrine – It Blasphemes The Spirit (Truth)- Confessing And Denying Christ Are Direct Opposites
Sun, Dec 13, 2015
Series: Christmas
Duration: 1 hr 43 mins 57 secs
3477 SM121315 What's So Bad About Christmas? – It's The Most Evil Thing In The History Of The World- America Was Founded On Roman Catholic's Racist “Doctrine Of Discovery”
Wed, Dec 09, 2015
Series: Inheritance
Duration: 1 hr 40 mins 29 secs
3476 WN120915 Inheritance: Predestination- T-U-L-I-P (Part 2)- Election Favors The Inner Man- Respect Of Persons Favors The Outer Man (The Surface Or Face)
Sun, Dec 06, 2015
Duration: 1 hr 39 mins 18 secs
3475 SN120615 Statement Of Faith, Part 25: Tongues- When The “Perfect” Is Come, “Signs Of An Apostle” Will Pass Away
Sun, Dec 06, 2015
Series: Christmas
Duration: 1 hr 47 mins 23 secs
3474 SM120615 Christmas Is The Feast Of Saturn- The Worship Of The Big Dipper (The Swastika)- Partaking Of The Body Of Christ Is Not The “Mass” Of Roman Catholicism- Documenting Pagan Origins Of The Christmass
Wed, Dec 02, 2015
Series: Inheritance
Duration: 1 hr 47 mins 44 secs
3473 WN120215 Inheritance: Predestination- “All Things For Good”- Joseph And David- The Evil And Sin In Their Lives Work For Our Good
Sun, Nov 29, 2015
Duration: 1 hr 43 mins 24 secs
3472 SN112915 Statement Of Faith, Part 24: Preachers In America Do Not Understand English Words- Whatsoever Ye Shall “Ask” In “Prayer”, “Believing”, Ye Shall Receive- You Cannot Trust “Nice” People
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