Messages with tag - Predestination

Wed, Mar 16, 2016
Duration: 1 hr 41 mins 33 secs
3512 WN031616 Predestination: God Would Have “All Men” Be Saved (Part 3)- “God Does Not Love Everybody”- The Gentile Church Is The “All Men”- The 3 Feasts- Tongues- 70 Weeks
Wed, Mar 09, 2016
Duration: 1 hr 52 mins 38 secs
3511 WN030916 Predestination: God Would Have “All Men” Be Saved (Part 2)- Jesus Is The Saviour Of “All Men”
Sun, Mar 06, 2016
Duration: 1 hr 42 mins 13 secs
3510 SN030616 Statement Of Faith, Part 37: Confusion Of Tongues Of Acts 2 And I Cor. 14- No Women Preachers- Divorce- Halakah, The Tradition Of The Pharisees- 'It Hath Been Said.. But I Say'
Sun, Mar 06, 2016
Series: Prophecy
Duration: 1 hr 41 mins 49 secs
3509 SM030616 Prophecy: Animism- The Study Of Light And Dark Fairies And Demons- The gods That Israel Served- “Enchanted Ladies” Eve And Lilith (Adam's 2nd Wife)- Moonstruck Vampires, Werewolves, Arthurian Legend (Sun And Tree)- This Kind- Prayer And Fasting
Wed, Mar 02, 2016
Duration: 1 hr 38 mins 28 secs
3508 WN030216 Predestination: God Would Have “All Men” Be Saved – What This Means- “God Does Not Love Everybody”- Vessels Of Wrath Fitted To Destruction- “Born To Be Destroyed” In Hell
Sun, Feb 28, 2016
Duration: 1 hr 44 mins 39 secs
3507 SN022816 Statement Of Faith, Part 36: There Is A “Confusion Of Tongues” In The Pulpits Because Preachers Are Too Lazy To Study- Blasphemy, Flattery And Froward- They Have No “Extra-Biblical Information”- Building Houses, Sheep, Pleiades And Orion
Sun, Feb 28, 2016
Series: Prophecy
Duration: 1 hr 38 mins 35 secs
3506 SM022816 Prophecy: Demons, Genies, Fairies Are All The Same- They Are the gods Israel Served Under Other Names (Baal, Grove, Chemosh, Molech, Etc.)- This Is The Reason God Scattered Israel- “Possessed With Devils (Daimonion)” Means To Be Insane
Sun, Feb 21, 2016
Duration: 1 hr 43 mins 7 secs
3505 SN022116 Statement Of Faith, Part 35: Confusion Of Tongues- Preachers Are Blaspheming The Holy Ghost By Preaching Flattering Words
Sun, Feb 21, 2016
Series: Prophecy
Duration: 1 hr 44 mins 39 secs
3504 SM022116 Prophecy: gods of the Ancient World- Demons, Genies, Fairies, Vampires (Men Love Darkness Rather Than Light)- Back To Their Abode By Dawn- They Had A Common Beginning- Nimrod At Babylon- The gods Israel Served- Scattered
Wed, Feb 17, 2016
Series: Inheritance
Duration: 1 hr 38 mins 45 secs
3503 WN021716 Inheritance: Why Predestination Should Be Taught – It Is A Comfort To Believers
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